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The Early Birds
We have created this team to make a difference in this years Melanoma March by fundraising for Melanoma Institute Australia.
Our family was devastated by the diagnosis Helen received in late 2018 of a rare internal melanoma around her urethra. During this difficult time, we were supported by an amazing team of medical experts and she was able to receive treatment which was rapidly advancing.
The first stage of treatment was to undertake surgery removing her reproductive organs and bladder due to the position of the melanoma. Following this 7 hour surgery and a couple of weeks recovering in hospital, she commenced Immunotherapy.
Unfortunately, in the first scans following in early 2019, the cancer had spread and there were nodules in her lungs. She undertook radiation, which was successful on what it had been targeting, but further nodules continued to appear. She continued to have treatment and participated in trials for new treatment options.
In October 2020 we thought she had fainted before an appointment from overwhelm, but it was a stroke caused by the cancer spreading to her brain. We spent the last weeks of her life with her at home until she peacefully passed away on 26 November 2020.
We are so thankful for the incredible doctors, nurses, medical staff, volunteers and experts who listened to us, answered a million questions and supported us. Our hope is for treatment to be an option for all patients with strong success rates.
You can support us by clicking Donate and making a secure online donation. Thank you for your support!
How many years have you taken part in Melanoma March
Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)
Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.
For more info, visit our website.